Friday, September 10, 2010

Better late than never, right?

I can't believe it has been six weeks since Evan was born. I have tried to find time to log in to Blogger since his birth but it has been crazy. Technically, I have been off work but that hasn't really happened. Between the phone calls, emails and projects (ick!), any "free time" has been consumed by work which truly sucks.... I started a post on August 20, but never got to finish it.

I'll post the full birth story later but Evan was born at 5:07 pm on Friday, July 30. Pictocin was started at 5:30 am that morning and I began pushing around 3:30 pm. Two long hours later, he arrived weighing 6 lbs 5 oz and measuring 19 inches long. Presently, I think he is around 8 lbs 2 oz. Breastfeeding hasn't gone well but that's another long story so we are breastfeeding and supplementing with formula via a bottle. (If anyone can use Similac coupons, shoot me an email... I have lots).

Birth pictures of Evan are above from the hospital. He's one day old in these pics. He looks like my DH. All in all, we are doing ok. I survived my mother-in-law's visit and the visit of some of my dh's friends from out-of-state.


  1. Better late than never indeed! He is adorable and I can't wait to hear more!!!

  2. Glad to see pics of your adorable son. Looking forward to hearing all the gory details at some point. Sorry BF sucks for you too.

  3. Aww he is so adorable!! I am so glad everything is ok, I was worried! Looking forward to hearing the full birth story!

  4. So, so glad for the update. What a cutie! I've been thinking about you often. Congratulations!

  5. I'm getting frustrated with my blogger account- I KNOW I commented on this post when you first posted it because I get checking back for your update until it came (& am back again now doing the same thing). He's SOOO cute! I hope you are all doing fabulous still! I know it's tough to find blog time with a newborn, especially with no down time and so many other things higher on the priority list (like your beautiful baby or zzzz)... :)

  6. Just stopping in and wanted to say he is BEAUTIFUL!

    congratulations Jules, I am so very very happy for you!

