Friday, June 25, 2010

34 weeks...

34 weeks today and at peri appt this morning, baby boy looked fine and passed his non-stress test without having to be buzzed awake as at the last visit.

Still incredulous that after almost 12 years of infertility, I may be holding my baby in a few weeks... I don't think I will actually believe it until he's in my arms!

No contractions and no BH contractions either. I suspect my feet have another full six weeks of swelling to endure. : )

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


The baby looks perfect! At 32w4 days, he is estimated to weigh 4lbs 9oz. The peri did a full biophysical profile today and all was as it should be. Because I have chronic high blood pressure (although controlled before and during the pg), the peri will start doing the biophysical profile 2x a week. While I think this may be a little overkill based on the fact my bp is controlled, the constant assurance that all is ok will help me get through the last few weeks of pg.

Thanks for everyone's support relating to my last post and worrying about the abdominal measurement.

Oh, and he's turned and is head down.

Friday, June 11, 2010

32 weeks....

32 weeks. My hands are miserable with the carpal tunnel. And I can't seem to stop worrying about the abdominal measurement lagging 3 weeks or more behind at my last ultrasound appt. While I am so grateful to have made it this far, I can't imagine something going wrong at this point. Ugh. Today is not a good mental health day. Sniff, sniff.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

30 weeks, 5 days....

I'm 30 weeks, 5 days. I have a feeling the next few weeks will go by sooo slowly. I saw my OB today. All seems ok. Baby is transverse lying sideways across my abdomen though, so unless he decides to turn in the next few weeks, we will be headed for a c-section. In his present position, apparently, he can swing one or more feet down and give me a good wallop on the 'ole cervix. Not such a pleasant sensation! I am thinking he may more likely end up breech instead of vertex based on the way he's positioned, but time will tell.

He is estimated to weigh 3 lbs, 5 oz. presently. All his measurements were in the same range (30-31 weeks) except for his abdominal measurement which was only measuring 28 weeks. Should I be worried? My OB didn't seem concerned at all... She also didn't measure my cervix, which I thought she would since I was borderline at 24 weeks. I think it will get measured when I see the perinatologist in 2 weeks.

The only really unpleasant pregnancy symptom I have developed is carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands so that my hands go numb frequently and tingle unmercifully to the point of being painful. I had acupuncture last week but couldn't really tell any improvement. I'm supposed to go again tomorrow. My OB suggested wearing wrist braces when sleeping so I guess I'll try that to see if that gives some relief. The good news is that CTS generally goes away within a few months of delivery.

44 more days to term at 37 weeks and 65 to my edd. I can't believe it really. Five more days and only 2 months until edd.