Friday, June 25, 2010

34 weeks...

34 weeks today and at peri appt this morning, baby boy looked fine and passed his non-stress test without having to be buzzed awake as at the last visit.

Still incredulous that after almost 12 years of infertility, I may be holding my baby in a few weeks... I don't think I will actually believe it until he's in my arms!

No contractions and no BH contractions either. I suspect my feet have another full six weeks of swelling to endure. : )


  1. Wow, is it 34 weeks already?! That's so awesome! I'm glad everything went well at the appointment. I can't believe you'll be delivering soon. I feel like a group of us all went through this together and now we're all reaching the amazing end where we get to hold our children in our arms. It makes me so happy for all of us!

  2. I'm glad everything looks so great! I've been having BH for about 6 weeks but my doc still thinks I will pass my due date (mostly cuz I'm a first timer I think though).
    One thing I've found that really helps with the swelling, or at least feels amazing, is at the end of the day if I have time I will prop my feet up on the couch (towel underneath them) and put ice packs on them or wrap them in cold wet washclothes. Sounds silly, but it really is like heaven. Try it! I hope it helps :)
    Thanks for your comment. I feel so badly that I'm in such a negative place right now because it just seems so ridiculous to be anything except elated right now, even if only partly.
