Friday, July 2, 2010

35 weeks...

I’m 35 weeks today. Biophysical profile and non-stress test continue to be fine. I’ve had some mild low cramping off and on. Not sure if these cramps are BH or not and I have a strange vibrating feeling around my cervix several times a day for the past few days. Not sure what that is either. Internal at OB yesterday showed .5 cm dilation and softening cervix. Some spotting afterwards and continuing today, but OB says is to be expected. The baby is estimated to weigh 5 lbs 5 oz at this point.

Unwanted drama with the OB because she doesn’t want me to continue to see the peri on the basis that I am not really high risk simply because of my “advanced maternal age” and pre-pg chronic high bp. She doesn’t think the monitoring the peri is doing is necessary. I tried to explain, although I don’t think I was very articulate, that my anxiety is a function of residual IF fears, the fact that it has taken 12 years to get to this point, my age (40 two months from tomorrow!), and that the additional monitoring is reassuring for me mentally. She said if I continue to see the peri, she doesn’t know what I need her for. Ummm, to deliver the baby? She additionally said I need to have a life and going to the dr. 2x per week isn’t conducive with a life. I tried to explain that right now, having a successful pregnancy IS my life. Ugh.

I went to my peri appt this morning and talked to the peri. I ended up crying (stupid hormones). The peri was adamant that the monitoring in my circumstances is standard medical protocol but has agreed to see me once a week instead of 2x. I’m happy with the compromise but doubt the OB will be.

If I weren’t so close to the end of the pg, I think I would switch OBs. I like her but I feel she doesn’t understand my needs or what pg after IF is like. While I know it is unlikely for anything to go wrong at this point, it does happen and for those it affects, it is certainly devastating. If additional monitoring could prevent such a loss, then I want the additional monitoring. Hopefully, she will take the news that I am still seeing the peri at my appt next week ok. I mean, I have enough on my plate to worry about whether the OB is pissed at me for trying to do what I believe is right for me.


  1. Good for your for doing what you think is right for you and not letting your doc pressure you into a decision. I switched docs at 32 weeks and am SOOOO glad I did. 35 would be even harder, so hopefully you can hold out but if she still gives you a ton of flack at your next appt I'd say try and switch if you can. I can't believe she told you to get a life basically, haha. I'm totally with you-- the pregnancy/baby is the priority in your life right now!!

  2. I think your last line is EXACTLY what you should say to your OB if she gives you shit after you tell her what your peri said and that you're reducing your visits with him to once a week. Doctors can be douches sometimes!!! Hang in there!

  3. Sorry that she's hassling you. Up here, you're either with a high-risk OB, or a regular OB. Not two at the same time. I was followed weekly by the high-risk guy, even though I really wanted to keep it to once every two weeks.
    Do whatever you need to do for your sanity at this point, not what will keep your OB happy. Sounds like you're doing a good job of advocating for yourself already.

  4. I'm with everyone else here: good for you for doing what is right for YOU. So sorry your OB cannot have the compassion to realize that you are doing exactly what you need to right now.

    Congratulations on 35 weeks! and excellent biometrics. I am so happy for you!

    hang in there and keep up the excellent advocation--


  5. Yay 35 weeks!

    And... I can't see why additional monitoring would be a bad thing? Sounds like maybe your OB is worried about too many cooks in the kitchen, ie not having control

    I had kind of a vibrating feeling around my cervix that I attributed to baby a wiggling around and dropping + cervix softening.
