Friday, July 9, 2010

36 weeks...

The internal exam yesterday showed I am 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. The OB seemed surprised at how low the baby’s head is, but didn’t tell me the station. She said I could deliver at any time or go for a couple of weeks. She didn’t seem concerned that if I had the baby in the next week, I would only be 36 weeks and didn’t tell me to rest or take it easy. Much more spotting after yesterday’s internal than last week’s, with the same continuing today. I’m attributing that to the fact that my cervix is apparently much softer than it was last week. Overall, the cervical progress, I think, is good news.

My OB expressed a little concern because my bp was slightly elevated yesterday at 140/80… ha! I can tell her exactly why- the whole dispute with the peri and the OB over proper monitoring protocols based on my situation. I am more and more convinced that this is a personality conflict/ego war between the peri and the OB. I told the OB that the peri has a different opinion as to performing the biophysical profiles and non-stress test than the OB does. The smirk on her face at that point, coupled with her question “Oh yeah, what did she say?” gave it all away. It was a priceless expression and I felt as if I were a high school student engaging in the latest gossip. The problem with that is that this is about me having a baby not about the OB’s and peri’s egos and gossip regarding the other. I feel stuck in the middle of the two of them. I learned from the very kind nurse at the peri’s office that the OB did her residency under the peri and I wonder how much of this has to do with that former relationship.

The bottom line is if I have sonos/non-stress tests with the peri on Mondays, the OB won’t do any monitoring. The peri conceded to seeing me once a week with the understanding the OB would monitor on Thursdays when I see her, which isn’t the case. If I decide to skip the peri altogether, the OB will do sonos, but not non-stress tests. So, I have three options: (1) see the peri for sonos/non-stress tests on Mondays and have internals with the OB on Thursdays; (2) go back to seeing the peri for sonos/non-stress tests two times a week and see OB for internals; or (3) skip the peri altogether and just see the OB who will do internals/sonos, but no non-stress tests. Right now, I’m scheduled with appointments for option 1. Not sure what I should do. It is difficult to make a decision when the two drs express such varied opinions on the proper protocol. For now, I tend to be sticking my head in the sand and just hoping the baby comes soon so that decision is over. Otherwise, I’m just hoping whatever decision I make doesn’t lead to regret later. I know the decision the OB wants me to make is to skip the peri altogether. Yesterday, she talked about how her office’s equipment is just as good as the peri’s. I wanted to scream that this isn’t about how good the relative equipment is, but rather about me successfully giving birth to a live, living-breathing baby…. Grrrr.


  1. Oh that is irritating!!!!! I'm glad you figured out that the likely reason for this BS, but that doesn't make it any more appropriate!!! I am sorry they are being such asshats! Like you said, hopefully your little one makes his appearance soon and makes the whole issue moot!

  2. How frustrating! I would go with option 1 personally but do whatever makes you most comfortable. How lame that your OB is so insecure. Even if she thinks it is overkill to see the peri she shouldn't keep making such drama about it. It's YOUR pregnancy. Lame. That's especially frustrating because it creates an awkward atmosphere with your OB, who will be delivering your baby. Sorry about this mess :P
    Glad the progress is going well! We're almost there!!
    Thanks for your sweet comment too BTW
