Thursday, July 15, 2010

37 weeks tomorrow....

37 weeks tomorrow. I can't believe we are getting so close. Still seems surreal. As of today, I'm 80% effaced but still only 1 cm dilated. In the last week, effacement progressed 30%. If it continues at a similar rate, I suppose baby could arrive by the end of next week. One can't help but dilate once effaced at 100%, right?

OB will discuss induction at my appt. next Wed. because of my underlying high bp. She's looking at July 30 or at 39 weeks. I'm not sure we will make it that far, but who knows.

I can feel the baby moving really low (and sort of painfully) now. Feels like he's right on top of my cervix. We got a really creepy u/s pic of his face today. If the pic is accurate, his nose and mouth are grotesquely deformed. I'm hoping he's perfect!

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