Thursday, July 22, 2010

Induction scheduled...

So, at 37 weeks 6 days, I'm 100% effaced but still just 1 cm dilated. If baby boy doesn't make his appearance before next Friday, July 30, we are to go to the hospital at 4 am to start inducing the birth.

Let the countdown begin....


  1. Wow wow wow! An induction date makes it all the more real, doesn't it? I can't believe now you know for sure the baby will be here in just over a week!

    So exciting!!

  2. That is exciting news! Only slightly more than one week to go!!!!!

  3. Good luck! Hope your induction is as quick and "easy" as mine was if you end up there.

  4. Hope all is well-- can't wait to hear your update!!

  5. Hey, I'm worried about you ... please update us, even if it's just to say everything is okay. You're in my thoughts!
