Friday, June 11, 2010

32 weeks....

32 weeks. My hands are miserable with the carpal tunnel. And I can't seem to stop worrying about the abdominal measurement lagging 3 weeks or more behind at my last ultrasound appt. While I am so grateful to have made it this far, I can't imagine something going wrong at this point. Ugh. Today is not a good mental health day. Sniff, sniff.


  1. So when is your peri appointment? Measurements are just kind of a guess anyway. I bet he's ok. Course, I know how reassuring an ultrasound can be.


  2. Tuesday morning... I guess I'm just scared.

  3. Measurements can be way off. Totally depends on the tech. See how it goes on Tuesday at the next scan. Worst case, they decide baby's better out than in, give you steroids for the lungs, and deliver early. At least I think so. Small belly is better than way small everything. Kids are smart and keep growing their brains and heads at the expense of belly fat.
    Hang tight!

  4. Hi, Julie! I just recently began reading your blog. I have a six-year-old son conceived on my 7th and FINAL round of clomid... not as invasive as what you have gone through. I just wanted to let you know, my son's abdomen was measuring three weeks behind starting at 31 weeks. My doctor too wasn't concerned, but said that they wouldn't go longer than 37 weeks' because of it. Well, my little guy was born at 32 weeks 1 day. Nothing to do with the tiny tummy, he had the cord wrapped around his neck three times. What I am trying to tell you though, is that your even if your baby's stomach is measuring small, it isn't that uncommon! I hope you are feeling well, and that everything goes smoothly for you!

  5. I completely understand about all the worry. When will you have another ultrasound? I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!!!

  6. Hang in there, Julie. By the end our baby girl was measuring way behind but it turns out it was just because of how she was wedged down between my hip bones and the u/s couldn't take accurate measurements. So maybe now that your baby is so big it's hard to measure everything accurately?

    I'm keeping you in my thoughts ...
