Tuesday, April 20, 2010

24 weeks 4 days.... (updated)...

24 weeks and 4 days today and had check up with peri. Baby looks good and is measuring right on for some measurements up to a week ahead. That was good news... However, my cervix has shortened from 4 at 12 weeks to 2.55 today, so I'm supposed to stay off my feet. I'm thinking that bed rest at some point will be inevitable, but at least for now, cervix remains closed. (yay!).

Ffn test today as well. Waiting for those results. Back to peri in two weeks for another cervix check and Ffn test.

Just hoping my body cooperates to keep little guy in place for many more weeks!

Update: The Ffn test was negative. Whew!


  1. Sounds like things are moving right along!! Great!

  2. So glad to hear that things are going well and that your Ffn test was negative. I would really advise staying off your feet/sitting as much as possible. I know my peri said once my cervix shortened at all I went to modified bedrest no matter what and once it went below 2 I was on strict bedrest with no sitting because it can shorten so unpredictably. I definitely don't want to freak you out and I obviously have 4 babies so it's not the same but definitely be careful. Will he be re-measuring your cervix in 2 weeks?

  3. 2.55 is still borderline ok at 24 weeks. Neg FFN is obviously the best sign of good things. Hang in there!

  4. Thanks for the comments. Yes, I'll get another transvag u/s in two weeks.... I'm sure I'll be anxious about the results!

  5. Been there and done that (despite not having any shortening myself). A friend shortened to just under 2.5 at 21 weeks with significant funneling and contractions. She's still hanging in there on couch arrest at 29.5 weeks now, so there's lots of hope.
    Thank God for laptops and the internet, eh? It's so reassuring to find blogs of people who've come through the same situations with flying colours, and great to surf to kill the time.

  6. Good luck, Julie! I know how scary this must have been! I hope all goes well and I look forward to hearing the results of your next ultrasound.
