Monday, February 15, 2010

14 Week 6 day OB Appointment and G-day Delay

In the midst of an all-time record snow storm for Texas (seriously, we got 12.5 inches at my house, when two inches is a huge news story), I made it to my OB check up. Nothing earth shattering and all seems well. I laughed silently when the new OB did an internal to see if the baby could fit through my hips. Ummmm... small boned is something I have never been accused of being and Dr. D confirmed, there shouldn't be a concern there. :-)

The nurse dopplered the heartbeat, which was 160 and said the heartbeat sounded strong and regular. Yay! Dr. D was reassuring about the fibroids as was the old OB and didn't seem too concerned. With Dr. D's consent, I am cancelling the peri appt I have on Feb. 22. Although it means giving up an ultrasound, the "scare tactics" or worst case scenario presentation (without the disclaimer of the scenario being the worst case) caused me to struggle more emotionally so I am opting not to see Dr. WorstCaseScenario again.

The Dr. D asked about completing the second part of the sequential screen and I told her I didn't think I wanted that test based on the NT scan and the first part of the sequential screen coming back good, the 1st tri results being more accurate and a higher chance for a false positive with the quad screen. She said that was reasonable under the circumstances and that she was comfortable with my decision.

My bp was elevated at the OB's office (160/90). I have chronic high bp anyway. I was instructed to lie on my side and literally 2 minutes later my bp was 117/58. How is the medically possible? Baffling to me.

My next OB appt is March 4, where I will get an ultrasound. G-day was scheduled for Feb. 27, but since the next OB appt is only a few days later, I have cancelled the ultrasound center appointment, telling myself that I can be patient for a few more days. So, we are back where we were last week--- 16 days to G-day. Patience is a virtue, right??

I can't wait to see the baby again! It has been 3 weeks since my last u/s and will be over 5 weeks by the time G-day rolls around.

After the next OB appt, I calculate that I will have one more non-ultrasound appt and then will be on a "regular" ultrasound appt, which Dr. D said would start at 24 weeks. Only 59 more days. I think I have felt some fluttering of the baby, but gosh, at this point it has been hard to tell. I read that baby should be able to make a fist by the end of this week. I know I'll regret it later, but I'm hoping the baby works up to some good punches soon. I want to feel my little guy/girl moving around!


  1. Wow! So exciting! Can't wait for G-Day!
    P.S. Thanks for all your supportive comments on my blog lately - your success inspires me!

  2. So glad all is continuing to go well and that you don't have to listen to Dr. WorstCaseScenario. I can't wait to hear about your next u/s! I am guessing a girl. =)

    I started feeling the babies around 14 weeks, but wasn't for sure til the middle of 15 weeks. Now I feel them (especially one) rolling around in there all the time. I bet it will be so crazy once you can see it from the outside!!
