Monday, February 8, 2010


All my genetic testing (CF, Fragile X and some muscular atrophy disorder) came back normal. Yay! While I wasn't particularly concerned about any of them, it is nice to know they are normal.


18 days to G-day! While my husband, G_ _ _ _ thought G-day referred to him, he was, well, incorrect. G-day refers to what I have termed "Gender Day"... 18 days and we will know if we are painting (well, G is painting) pink or blue.... Not that I am counting or anything. :-)

The new OB said that we could schedule a gender check between 18 and 20 weeks and I will discuss the scheduling with her at my appt. on Thursday. However, there is a "non-medical" ultrasound place near us that will schedule gender checks at 17 weeks, so at 17 weeks, 1 day, we will attempt to find out the gender. I'm hoping we will get a definitive answer, but I'll have the dr's ultrasound for backup somewhere in the two weeks that follow.

As for preference, I suppose if I were being honest, I prefer a girl. Girly clothes are just cuter than boy clothes and yes, I already have some cute girly things in my Gymboree shopping cart. So cute! But I already have lots of boy clothes left over from my 6 year old son. (Well, at least clothes for 6 months forward. Since my son traveled home from Korea at 7 months of age, I don't have the itty-bitty stuff.)

My son really, really wants a brother. G hasn't voiced a preference, but he says he thinks the baby is a girl. My mother-in-law wants a boy. My parents haven't expressed a preference. My brother thinks the baby is a girl. One of my friends says boy. The old OB says he's guessing girl, but he wasn't looking at an ultrasound or anything, just being silly.

As for my instinct on gender- no clue. Absolutely no idea. I will honestly be happy and surprised either way. I just want a take-home-healthy-baby. :-) 18 days and counting! I can't wait!

Oh, and only 66 days until regular ultrasounds... I'm feeling this is do-able now. I hope my optimism continues.


  1. I don't know about you, but my pregnancy is going FAST!

    I had no clue on the genders either. I think I was almost afraid to guess.

    I went to Old Navy again today scouting out maternity tops. They had some ADORABLE infant girl clothes.

  2. Yay to the genetic testing coming back great!

    Also, yay to only 18 days til G day! Very exciting!

  3. I can't believe that 17 weeks is the soonest any place will let you in! Hmm. My DH would (half jokingly) tell you to fake a spotting or cramping episode and you'll get whisked right in. Not seriously of course, lol. I actually was feeling fine waiting a few more weeks but DH insisted and now that we know it has changed EVERYTHING!! I am a million times more excited about this baby now for some reason. I think I too woul dhave preferred a girl but of course nobody really cares after IF especially :) Well good luck!! I can't wait to hear

    PS- 66 days until Regular u/s???

  4. I am so happy to hear that your genetic tests came back normal! That is wonderful news!

    The doctor thinks we're having 3 boys and can't figure out what the other one is ... I feel like you do -- please give me a girl! Mostly for the same reasons as you -- I'm a girl, so I feel like I know what to do with a girl! =) But they have the most ADORABLE boy clothes out there, too. I hope these next 18 days fly by for you!

  5. I have loved having a girl - I can't say enough how much it has helped me to recover from the spotty relationship I had with my mother. I feel like it gave me a chance for a "do-over", even though I am on the other side of the relationship.

    Girl clothes are fun, but honestly there are so many phases of won't-wear-this, want-to-wear-that-every-day that the clothing thing does turn into a battle at some point. Now my daughter (11) is very picky about her outfits, but at least I think her style suits her and she does make great choices - if we could afford to keep up with her expensive taste we probably wouldn't have any clothing issues at all...

    This time I'm having a boy and I am just trying to avoid the whole pale-blue-everything approach!

    G-day is so exciting! My tech could tell at 12 weeks, so by 17 you should be able to know for sure!

  6. Glad to hear all's well, and hope the next 16 days pass by quickly so you can find out the answer to the big question!
