Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I had a little scare last week feeling lots of pressure in my uterus/vagina. I called the dr. late last Friday afternoon when I decided that things were decidedly not normal (a hard determination never having been pg before!) I was instructed to go the ER to check things checked out. On the way to the hospital, the nurse called back and said that the pressure was likely due to a UTI and to go home, rest and drink lots of cranberry juice and if there was no improvement, to go to the ER. Otherwise, she made an appt for me for Monday morning. So, all weekend I drank the cranberry, hoping and praying the dr. diagnosed the problem accurately. I hardly moved off the couch. I literally counted down the hours until the Monday morning appt.
At yesterday’s check, it indeed appears that it is likely that I have a UTI. We won’t know for certain until the culture comes back tomorrow, but the OB prescribed antibiotics with lots of liquids. Otherwise, the internal exam appeared normal. That was a relief!
And… despite my loathing of the peri’s office, with its less than warm doctor and excruciatingly ridiculous long waits, I went to the peri appt yesterday. When I started having the pressure last week, I decided not to cancel the appt as was the plan as I knew the peri would do an ultrasound. So, detailed anatomy scan yesterday and all looks like we are growing a perfectly healthy baby boy.
My son was thrilled as this was his wish. He had told me the night before he didn’t want a sister because she would boss him around. I reminded him that he would be 7 years older than the baby. His response was that it wouldn’t matter, she would still boss him around. At least he has the way of the world figured out at the ripe old age of six!
I was not a bit surprised when the ultrasound tech said she saw boy parts. That was my guess and I’m just happy it appears the baby is healthy, even if I don’t get to shop for pink, girly stuff…. I get to shop for BLUE! :)


  1. Yay for blue! It's true that the cute girlie baby stuff is easier to find, but there are some great boy things, too - and now that my daughter is in middle school the clothing thing is a huge contentious issue. Not that we disagree - we actually agree, very much - but now the good stuff is SO expensive!

    I'm glad you got the good scan and all is well - and that you avoided the hospital!

  2. Glad you are doing okay! And congrats on the baby boy! Your son sounds like he's pretty much got it figured out at age six! :o)

  3. That's great news! At first when I read the title of the post I thought you were feeling "blue". Glad to hear things keep going well.

  4. Congrats on your healthy boy (and a happy older brother)! Hope the UTI goes away quickly.

  5. I'm so glad everything is ok, well other than having a UTI.

    Yay for blue!

    You know, I teach 2nd grade at that is SUCH the thing a kid that age would say! I mean, when I announced my twins were likely both girls, the girls in my class cheered and the boys booed! Twas hilarious!

  6. I am glad that your pain turned out to be nothing too serious. And congratulations on having another sweet boy! Hooray!

  7. Ahh! You scared me when I saw your entry title was "blue" (I was thinking sad). But it's blue for BOY! Yay! That's so exciting!!!! I am glad your son gets what he wants, too, haha.

    Congratulations on your son! I'm so happy for you!! =)
