Friday, December 4, 2009

Beta #3 Results

So, I calculated that the beta needed to be 800ish today to have doubled in 48ish hours. It is 1820! I can't believe it. It went from 209 to 1820 from Monday to today, doubling time of 30ish hours.

Beta #4 is scheduled for next Friday and then they will schedule the ultrasound. Wow, this is really happening!


  1. That's an insanely fantastic jump! Congrats.

  2. WONDERFUL!!! You, my dear Jules, are fantastically completely wondrously pregnant! it is really happening!

  3. Awesome!!! What a great rise! What a good week you've had. :)

  4. That't a CRAZY jump, especially where #1 and #2 were normal, but not this high of an increase! AWESOME!! I'm so glad your beta went so well! Good news all around!
