Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ultrasound #2

We have a heartbeat! Yay! RE said it was too soon to try to measure the beats but that the heartbeat looked nice and strong. I am 6w5d today, but only measured 6w3d. That concerns me a little (ok, a lot!). Two weeks for next ultrasound. Two weeks! How in the heck am I going to make it two weeks???? Essentially, at 5w5d, the fetal pole measured 2.07mm. Today the fetal pole measured 5.87. If the growth is 1 mm a day, the fetal pole should have been 8 mm, thus, I'm 2 mm behind. Argh.

Spotting has subsided for the most part. RE said I could switch to Prometrium if I wanted, but I think I'm going to keep up the shots until the next u/s.

Checked my TSH today to see if we need to increase my dosage of Synthroid for my hypothyroidism.

I'm thrilled we saw the heartbeat, but concerned at the same time. KWIM?


  1. I wouldn't worry yourself too much about the dates of measuring. A couple days off happens all the time. My own ultrasound measurements (starting at 5 weeks) were off 2-4 days every time in the first few months. I finally decided I may as well quit worrying about it. :)

  2. Yay for a heartbeat!! I am so happy for you! I also wouldn't worry about the baby being a couple of days off. I have 4 of them in there, and let me tell you they keep switching who is smaller each time. I had one who looked super tiny the first time and now he's all stretched out in his big old sac looking the best of all of them. I think maybe they just have growth spurts at random times.

    *BIG HUGS* for a beautiful heartbeat!!

  3. YAY for a heartbeat!! They couldn't measure it at 6w5d? That surprises me. I don't know much about fetal measurements and how that goes since I've never gotten this far before, but I'd say listen to everyong else who's saying not to stress too much :) I know it's going to be a LONG two weeks for you, ugh! But it's still good news!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Yay! Getting a heartbeat is a MAJOR hurdle! That's great news!

    I wouldn't worry too much about the measurements. Sometimes it's in the angle they measure at. For example, one of my guys measured 2 days behind on the last scan, and then she repositioned the wand and he/she measured exactly where they should. It's kind of subjective.

    Plus, I would hope that if your doctor is concerned, he'd mention that.

    I totally hear ya on the waiting for ultrasounds!

    I got my TSH bloodwork yesterday and have an appointment with the Endo doc tomorrow to see if I need to adjust my Synthroid also. Of course I just refilled my script, yesterday!

  6. Yep, don't worry about the measurements. A good heartbeat is the most important thing. A couple days off is in the right ballpark at any stage, so don't even think about it!

  7. PS- I measured 1 day behind yesterday and my RE said it's no big deal. It's a tiny little mm and could even just be a lack of exactness on the sonographer's part in measuring. As long as you're within 7 days of actual ot measured, you're fine he said. :)
    I am not supposed to get another u/s until 18-20 weeks!!! THAT's definitely not going to happen! If I have to go pay fetal photos in the mall or a local RE to do it I will, but there is NO WAY I am waiting more than a week or two. I think especially in the first tri I will be checking all the time. I'm so terrified of a m/c even after hearing the HB. It's seriously my worst nightmare.
