Tuesday, December 29, 2009

8w3d and all is well....

Final appointment with my RE yesterday at 8w3d. I've been released to the OB. Scary! RE said everything couldn't look more perfect. I'm hoping that situation stays the same. I'm happy to report that it seems (knock on wood...) that the spotting has ceased. Baby is 19.87 mm, measuring one day ahead at 8w4d and heartbeat was 176 bpm.

Counting down the days to complete the first 12 weeks. 30 days to go. Seems like an eternity! I suspect that I will have one u/s with the OB during that period of time. I plan on ordering a doppler so that I can hopefully hear the baby's heartbeat soon to reassure me all is well.

Of course, I am thrilled to be pregnant, but the fear of miscarrying has overshadowed the joy I should be feeling. I'm trying to move past the fear and I'm trying to take a lesson from Sprogblogger, who I admire immensely. Despite the substantial adversity she has faced, she has overcome the fear and will revel in her soon-to-be-successful donor cycle. (In fact, she's PUPO as of today, so offer her your congratulations, please).

Revel. Not cope. Not survive. Not exist day by day until the magical 12 week mark. Instead, revel. If Sprogblogger can revel, so can I. I have an appointment today with the counselor I saw when I went through my divorce. I'm hoping she can help me get past some of the fear to the reveling as well.


  1. What a great post!

    What a sweet ultrasound pic! :) I'm glad you stopped bleeding. I'm sure that's a relief.

    You should defintely let yourself enjoy the pregnancy. But I know how you feel. I am so relieved to be past that 12 week mark. But the ultrasounds helped a LOT!

    I tried the doppler again today, and it was easier to hear the babies. It's still not instant though, it takes a lot of wiggling the wand around to get the right spot. A lot of the time I get my own heartbeat, which is around 90. The babies' are around 157. Definitely get a digital.

    I just love Sprogblogger and I so hope this is it for her.

    Good to hear from you. :)

  2. What a beautiful baby!! I am so glad everything is going so smoothly now. I agree with PJ, try to enjoy the pregnancy as best as you can. You can't help but worry some, but just try and revel in each moment. Keep the good news coming! =)

  3. The early days just creep by, and it's hard to fully revel while you're still looking for reassurance. I think it's a matter of baby steps at first, to be joyful for being as far along as you are.

    I try not to be one of those doom-and-gloom people who feel that you can't be too cautious until you are officially full-term. There is plenty of time to tear your hair out after the baby is keeping you up all night and you haven't had a haircut for months and your whole life revolves around feeding and naps. Pregnancy should include at least some reveling!
