Friday, December 18, 2009

Well, as it turns out....

I couldn't wait two weeks to see the baby again... I started spotting red this morning. I spotted red last week but the spotting stopped over the weekend and started back up today. I called the RE's office almost in tears. They worked me in and the head IVF nurse did my ultrasound. As it turns out, I like it better when she does the u/s than my RE. She was awesome and zoomed in on everything. The little heart is still fluttering away at 136 bpm and baby bean has grown since my last u/s only 48 hours before from 5.87 mm to 9.83 mm, so today I measured exactly 7 weeks, which is where I am gestationally. I also got to hear the heartbeat. My RE turned on the sound on Wed. but we didn't get to hear anything. The little beat-beat brought tears to my eyes today.

I told the IVF nurse I would try to be good until my next real appointment on Dec. 30. Hopefully, my body will cooperate! Nothing like seeing that little flutter for some reassurance though...

No idea what is causing the bleeding, but told me to try not to worry about it and that everything looks perfect. Whew.....


  1. I'm glad everything is ok. I hope the bleeding will stop so that you can relax!

    Glad the measurements are right on today!

    I haven't even heard the heartbeats yet! I'm going to ask on Monday, if they don't turn the sound on. Course, I ordered my doppler today so hopefully I'll be able to hear them pretty regularly. :)

  2. I am glad to hear all is well today! I feel ya on the spotting ... it's scary for sure, but seeing a strong heartbeat and a perfect-sized baby is a fantastic sign.

  3. Wow! What a great time to jump into a blog, right in the midst of early good news! Thanks for your kind comment to me, and I wish you all the best!
