Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Crazy tiredness and a little nausea...

I was a little more tired that usual last week but ooohhhh my! The tiredness really hit me yesterday like a ton of bricks. I simply couldn't function. I left work early and went home for a nap from 6 pm to 7:30 or so and was back in bed by 9 pm. Tired today too after sleeping an additional full 8 hours. That means I slept 9.5 hours yesterday. Craziness....

I'm not sure how Christmas gifts are going to be purchased and wrapped this year, but I guess I don't care too much. I did some online shopping but some of the gifts have to be purchased in the store. I guess I'll send G with a list. That should be interesting! Thank goodness for gift bags. I generally wrap each present and decorate the package. Ummmmm.... Not so much this year. One gift bag per person with all the presents in the bag and tissue stuffed on the top. That's my plan. :-)

I have discovered that G will eventually do the household chores that I have not been getting done because of taking it easy. It might take him three days to wipe off the stovetop after he cooked, but he will eventually clean it up....

Little queasiness mid-morning for the past couple of days but nothing too bad yet.

Three more sleeps until beta no. 4.


  1. I hope your quesy doesn't turn into m/s. I'm so tired too so I feel ya :) Glad G will help pick up some of the slack. When's your ultrasound?

  2. hehe! Ah, yep!!!

    I am still napping sometimes in the evening and I had best be in bed by 8-8:30 unless I want to be even more utterly exhausted the next day. SOOOOO tired. So very very tired.

    And yep, totally gonna order Christmas online this year. Not sure what yet.

    That whole waiting around thing works sometimes with the husband, but I swear I could leave the dust bunnies forever and he'd never get out the broom.

