Monday, November 16, 2009

3 Day report

The embryologist called this morning, nice and early. I didn't know if he would call since we are scheduled for transfer today, but he did and....

We have two "nice" 8 cell embies. The other two seemed to stop dividing at 4 cell. I didn't realistically think we would have anything to freeze, so two is all we need.

*sigh* I'm just grateful to have gotten to this point. I'll feel less anxious (I hope!) when they are back in me!

Just three hours to transfer....


  1. Ah! Two 8-cells to transfer is EXCELLENT!!Obviously it would have been nice to have some to freeze, but all that REALLY matters is this cycle right now, right? I hope your nerves calm down-it's better for your embies that way, not to mention for your own sake! Just think- soon it will all be over and you will have done everything you can do! You made it to all of the steps of IVF and ended up with 2 8-cell embies in your ute! That's great! My first fresh I transferred an 8-cell and a 7-cell and got a BFP, so there's lots of hope for you, my friend! Good luck at transfer! I'm thinking of you! Now we can pass the "2ww" together. When's your beta?

  2. That's very good news - you're still in the game!! Best of luck today.

  3. hope you transfer went fantastic!!!! 2 is great! that's all you need. i always get caught up in oh this person had 6 and this one had 20.

    even on the frosty front-i actually feel kind of better now knowing i only have 1 frosty. i cant bear to have to make the decision to destroy or donate, or what have you if we dont end up needing it. i almost would feel obligated to try to transfer it somewhere down the line just because.

    oh the drama continues... :)

    cant wait to hear how it went!

  4. by now you are all together- and this part of worrying will be over.
    I hate all the uncertainty and right this very moment you are pregnant until proven otherwise and I hope you are able to revel in that as much as possible

    treat yourself kindly, your little ones are in exactly the right place right now.

    hang in there!
