Monday, November 2, 2009

Stims start tomorrow....

So, stims start tomorrow and then to the RE for bloodwork to check E2 levels on Thursday and Saturday. I thought I would be excited. Instead, I'm just feeling afraid of failing and pretty emotional. Ugh. I hate feeling emotional. It is just there are so many things that could go wrong from here. (YES, I'm a glass-half-empty-kind-of-gal, esp. where the IF stuff goes).

I thought that I would have an ultrasound so we could see the number of follies developing on Thursday and again on Saturday. I swear that's what my schedule from the RE said, but I found out today no ultrasound until Monday, Nov. 9. I know the E2 levels increasing will show progress, but I was hoping for something more tangible. Kinda bummed about that.

I think I need cheesecake to make me feel all better.


  1. Yes, I think cheesecake will help. :)

    Yea, I am not a very emotional person, however I AM when it comes to IVF. Each little step seems like a hurdle.

    Yea, usually you have a "baseline" ultrasound to see how many resting (antral)follicles there are. Mine are usually on CD day 1-3. However, I don't do lupron or birth control for supression and that may be the difference.

    Good luck!!!

  2. Hey just saw your comment above mine on PJ's beta #2 post- I too have anticipated ET on 11/16! Another cycle buddy- how fun!

  3. Hi, Jules - I want to say good luck to you and I hope your cycle goes well! BTW, I only had a baseline u/s and then one on stims day 5. On stims day 3, I only had my E2 level drawn. I guess there wasn't much to see before day 5...

