Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Cheesecake Report

I was feeling pretty bummed yesterday, sort of inexplicably blue. So, I managed to sneak away from the office for a lil trip to Central Market, this fancy, dancy store with all kinds of indulgent and yummy treats. One piece of pumpkin cheesecake with gingersnap crust later, I felt better, if not somewhat guilty. I'll beat myself up over it later but at least I made it through the day.

I have been having IVF dreams. I'm sure it is because thinking about the IVF has been occupying so much of my awake thoughts. So in my dream last night, I was trying to figure out the steps I was supposed to take to administer the medicine and I just couldn't do it. There was some brown goo I had to do something with and I just couldn't get it right. Figures! Actually, Menopur injection no. 1 went ok this morning and Follistim pen injection no. 1 is tonight so hopefully that will go well too. I watched the video on the pen again yesterday. I'm sure if we are on to IVF #2, I'll be an old pro at this...

My RE gives my odds of success at 40%. G thinks those are GREAT odds. To me, not so much. 6 out of 10 women are going to walk away broken-hearted. My IRL friend, who has twins with her partner from their first IUI with donor sperm, is trying to be supportive. "Think positively" she says. I guess it is hard to even dream that after more than 10 years of IF, I might actually have a chance at pregnancy... Trying not to think about the possibilities and just take one step at a time.


  1. Definitely the one step at a time, is the way to go!

    I was um, gifted, two GONAL F pens for this IVF round. I loved them! They are a ton easier than reconsituting the meds and everything. You'll like the pen.

    MMmmm... pumpkin cheesecake!

  2. I use a Follistim pen, and it is sooo easy - I couldn't believe. So much better than mixing, which I have my husband do with my Menopur. Good luck, I am sure it'll be a breeze! Oh, and that Pumpkin Cheesecake with Gingersnap crust sounds sooo good I might have to make one later...

  3. Hey Girl! I need you to leave your email on my sign up blog for me to be able to add you on the permission (just the way blogger works). Or you could email it to me at aiconfessions@gmail.com
    Glad you enjoyed your cheesecake, you deserve it :) Hope your FSH pen injection went "like a dream" tonight, ;) Not like your dream, but... you know what I mean. :)
