Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My Date with the Michelin Man

The Michelin man... you know who I'm talking about. That round, white character that advertises tires? I met him (well, sort of...) yesterday during ET. You see, G, has this round Buddha belly. Once having donned the sterile outfit, all white from head to toe required for attending the transfer, he transformed into the Michelin man. My beloved dh converted into the goofy looking Michelin man. I will never see the tire mascot again without thinking of ET day.

ET went without a hitch. We transferred two 8 celled "good looking" embryos according to the embryologist and RE. I purposefully didn't inquire about the grading as I knew I would obsess too much. It looks as if one of the embies was starting to compact, which is good. As most say, the full bladder was the worst thing about ET. My RE's office said to drink 32 oz and hour before transfer. I knew I couldn't hold that much. I stopped at about 20 oz, but even that was uncomfortable!

After the ET, before the speculum came out, the embryologist flushed the catheter to make sure both embies had arrived to their destination. Nice reassurance that both had. Now if one just decides to stick!

The embryologist will continue to watch embies 3 and 4. Yesterday they were at four cell. He said there still could be hope that they will continue to grow and perhaps make a blast.

PIO shot no. 3 without too much discomfort. 10 more of those if there's no BFP. About 40 if I am. One step at a time! I start the Vivirelle estrogen patches on Friday.


  1. Awesome news, I'm so excited for you!! AND... I still have hope for your little four cells. Story time: On my first IVF they froze my leftover embies on day 3 except the 4 and 5 cells that they had kind of given up on. But watched them JUST IN CASE, and the four cell ended up becoming a blast and they froze it! Then when we did our FET, they thawed our 7 embies and 1 blast (the previous 4-cell)... and the 4-cell was one of the only two who survived the thaw. SO! I hope one or both of your little fours are fighters too! (I named tha tone our "fighting four cell", lol).
    I'm glad oyu 8-cells looked good. REST! Good luck Jules!

  2. Well, that sounds like a great transfer! And that is funny about your Michelin Man DH, I don't think I'll see those ads without thinking about your ET now...LOL.

    I hope the other two embryos make it to freeze! Fingers crossed for that. Will you be switching to Prometrium soon, or do you stay with PIO? Good luck! I think I like the PIO better!

    Take it easy now!

  3. So glad transfer went well! It can be difficult.

    Here's hoping there's some snuggling and cozying up and growing going on in there!

    I got a sticky note yesterday that we have to do the PIO until December 17th. Ugh. It's really no big deal, but I'll be glad when it's done! :)

  4. congratulations on your transfer!!! i wish you a healthy and sane 2ww. mine is starting to drive me bonkers!

  5. Congrats on getting through the transfer!
    I can't believe how different clinics are. Your DH having to dress as michelin may was way different than the "here's a paper hat, and put this yellow gown on over your clothes" that my DH had to deal with. At least you got a good laugh out of it!
