Friday, November 13, 2009

Only 6....

Retrieved only 6 :( The embryologist said he would call around 8 am tomorrow with the fertilization report. I guess as long as 4 fertilize, we will have something to work with.... I just wish we had more to work with. I can't imagine that we will be headed for anything but a 3 day transfer, which will be Monday afternoon. As luck would have it, I have a huge contested hearing which will last most of Monday, but my RE is cool and said he's happy to do the transfer at 5 pm if that's the earliest I can be available.

My RE is also a little crazy. This morning before the surgery, he was sporting a fake mustache, crooked. He's such a goof but I appreciate the effort to lighten the mood a bunch. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Oh Sweetie, I'm sorry you're so bummed. Can't blame you. I guess it probably won't cheer you up to tell you that your follie to egg count it completely normal and average (about 70% of follicles contain eggs). I REALLY hope and pray with all my heart that you've got some winners in there! Tomorrow can't come soon enough ((hugs))
