Thursday, November 12, 2009

Retrieval tomorrow at 9:15 am

Triggered last night at 9:15 pm. The glass syringe for the Ovidrel was a little weird compared to the plastic ones I am used to. Retrieval is at 9:15 am tomorrow morning. Crazy day at work today, so I'll be distracted. I have to say I don't have a good feeling about tomorrow. I don't think we are going to retrieve many eggs. I'm trying to prepare myself mentally for that outcome, but I know if only a couple are retrieved, I will feel extremely disappointed.

We had planned to do three more cycles under a shared risk program if this cycle doesn't take, but I don't know.... I stand amazed at you very strong women who go through this process multiple times with varying outcomes of success. I admire your courage.


  1. Take it one cycle at a time. Looking down the long (and only potential, not for sure) road will only make IVF more overwhelming and stressful and awful. After my first cycle I SWORE I would never do it again; I said the same thing after my second, and now here we are again a third time still going for baby #1.
    I hope you ER goes well tomorrow, I'll be thinking of you!

  2. Hey, still thinking of you and your very soon ER! Let us know how it goes!
