Saturday, November 14, 2009

Fertilization report...

6 eggs retrieved; 5 were mature. Of those 5, 4 fertilized. The embryologist said at that 3 of the 4 look good and healthy. The pronuclei in the 4th looks a little faint, so he has that embie separated so he can watch it, but it may be fine. Time will tell.

3 day transfer on Monday at 4 pm with AH due to my age (assuming we still have something to transfer by that time....) Please send strong, growing embie thoughts this weekend. At this point, I'm pretty much an emotional mess.


  1. praying for your embies to grow grow grow!!!

  2. congratulations! your numbers are really great (no, really, from a stats perspective, they really are!)-- and I know this means nothing since I am sure that you, like me, wanted more! It is great to have anything to work with. So-- congratulations, and keeping my fingers crossed that you'll have 4 to choose from come monday.

    take care and thank you for your sweet comment on my blog.
    I'll be pulling for you!

  3. Thanks for your continued support. I so appreciate it.

    I'm sure you'll have something to transfer.

    The ups and downs of this whole thing are so hard.

    Thinking of you.

  4. Hey, 4 is the number you were hoping for! My fert day 3 report was much happier for me than my day 1, so hopefully yours is too! I am sending all the vibes and thoughts I can to you! AH will help give you another edge too :) Sometimes those initial laggers catch up and are better. On my first IVF they left two of my embies out to die after day 3, but one of them actually turned into a nice blast and they froze it! So keep the faith alive! It ain't over till it's over! You are very much in my thoughts and prayers!

  5. Found you via meKate. Hope those 4 continue to grow well! I like Nicole's train of thought here. Good luck getting through the next few days.
    (And congrats on not having sleep apnea!)

  6. Grow, embies, grow!! Sending positive vibes your way..
